Original caricatures by Jeff York (copyright 2023)
My friends, as you know, I often draw a caricature to accompany the review of a film or show that makes a particular impression on me. And now, just in time for the Oscars, I’ve drawn all 10 of this year’s nominees for Best Picture.
And the set of 10 can be yours for just $20.
It’s simple. If you’re interested, write me here and I’ll give you my Venmo account particulars and you can send me the money. Then I’ll send you the set of 10 individual digital downloads.
Use them as party favors for your Oscar get-together, ballots for your office pool, or art to hang on your wall – – it’s up to you!
Oh, and the day after the Oscars, I’ll pick the name of one of my customers out of a hat, and that fan will get to choose what favorite movie star they want me to caricature for them. For free!

Original caricatures by Jeff York (copyright 2023)
So, movie fans, order your Best Picture caricatures from me today and make the Oscars even more of a big deal.
Thank you!